Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
4301-4320 of all 183,164 gems.
4,3011,616,474carrierwave_directProcess your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3
4,3021,616,227key_structDefines KeyStruct analogous to Struct, but constructor takes keyword arguments
4,3031,615,525rlpA Ruby implementation of Ethereum's Recursive Length Prefix encoding (RLP).
4,3041,614,734rcredstashA Ruby port of CredStash
4,3051,614,548fancybox-railsThis gem provides jQuery FancyBox for your Rails application.
4,3061,614,391win32-apiThe Win32::API library is meant as a replacement for the Win32API library that ship...
4,3071,614,003popen4POpen4 provides the Rubyist a single API across platforms for executing a command in a ...
4,3081,612,401base62Base62 monkeypatches Integer to add an Integer#base62_encode ins...
4,3091,611,394after_commitA Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger met...
4,3101,611,324SystemTimerSet a Timeout based on signals, which are more reliable than Timeout. Timeout is based ...
4,3111,611,223bootbox-railsWrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter's b...
4,3121,608,645truemailConfigurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator. Verify email via Regex, DNS...
4,3131,605,449pg_lockA Postgres advisory lock client
4,3141,604,812html2slimConvert HTML to Slim templates. Because HTML sux and Slim rules. That's why.
4,3151,604,796spreewaldA collection of cucumber steps we use in our projects, including steps to check HTML, t...
4,3161,604,216google-cloud-datastoregoogle-cloud-datastore is the official library for Google Cloud Datastore.
4,3171,603,610bouncy-castle-javaGem redistribution of "Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs" jars at http...
4,3181,603,513linguisticsLinguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects in any la...
4,3191,602,752logsterUI for viewing logs in Rack
4,3201,602,651scoped_searchScoped search makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord-based models. It will crea...