Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
4881-4900 of all 183,181 gems.
4,8811,195,839otherinbox-crypt19Crypt is a pure-ruby implementation of a number of popular encryption algorithms. Block...
4,8821,195,650axe-core-cucumberCucumber step definitions for Axe
4,8831,192,425spectrum-railsA ruby gem that uses the Rails asset pipeline to include the Spectrum jQuery plugin by ...
4,8841,191,500gymBuilding your iOS apps has never been easier
4,8851,191,411google-cloud-dnsgoogle-cloud-dns is the official library for Google Cloud DNS.
4,8861,190,880jsonapi-rspecHelpers for validating JSON API payloads
4,8871,190,034kitchen-syncImproved file transfers for for test-kitchen
4,8881,189,624subcontractorrvm aware process launcher for foreman
4,8891,188,705playbook_uiPlaybook UI is built out in Ruby View Components and React Components. Playbook takes a...
4,8901,188,519logger-colorsColorizes the output of the usual standard library logger, depending on the logger leve...
4,8911,187,627sqreen-backportBackports to keep supporting old rubies
4,8921,187,541prawnto_2Simple PDF generation using the prawn library.
4,8931,186,996predictorFast and efficient recommendations and predictions using Redis
4,8941,186,993gem_update_checkerCheck gem update.
4,8951,186,943zabbixapiAllows you to work with zabbix api from ruby.
4,8961,185,420sighBecause you would rather spend your time building stuff than fighting provisioning
4,8971,185,140choria-mcorpc-supportLibraries enabling Ruby support for the Choria Orchestration Server
4,8981,184,463rails-sass-imagesSass functions and mixins to inline images and get images size
4,8991,184,252grape-route-helpersRoute helpers for Grape
4,9001,183,992active_dataMaking object from any hash or hash array