Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
5501-5520 of all 183,193 gems.
5,501903,950vmailManage your email with Vim
5,502903,441memoizerMemoizer caches the results of your method calls, works well with methods that accept a...
5,503903,201yaml_vaultyaml encryption/decryption helper.
5,504902,888sensu-plugins-rabbitmqThis plugin provides native RabbitMQ instrumentation for ...
5,505902,869aerospikeOfficial Aerospike Client for ruby. Access your Aerospike cluster with ease of Ruby.
5,506902,693devise-doorkeeperSupport authentication via OAuth2 tokens dispensed from the Doorkeeper authorization flow
5,507902,516red-colorsRed Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes con...
5,508901,964celerityCelerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript...
5,509901,938fullcontactA Ruby wrapper for the FullContact API
5,510900,985rdf-vocabDefines several standard RDF vocabularies
5,511900,244rack-jsonpA Rack middleware for providing JSON-P support.
5,512899,752gitlab-peekTake a peek into your Rails application.
5,513899,507heap-profilerMake several heap dumps and summarize allocated, retained memory
5,514899,429minitest-profileOutputter to display the slowest tests in a minitest suite
5,515899,085resque-historyShow history of recently executed jobs
5,516898,170graphwerkVisualise dependencies between your application and it's Packwerk packages using Graphviz.
5,517898,003deprecations_detectorA tool to display deprecations in a simple way on a single HTML page.
5,518897,233luhnacyluhnacy can be used to validate strings for Luhn compliance as well as generating valid...
5,519896,851cucumber_factoryCucumber Factory allows you to create ActiveRecord models from your Cucumber features w...
5,520896,233api_matchersCollection of RSpec matchers for create your API.