Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
6201-6220 of all 183,193 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
6,201 | 676,017 | ruby_fly | Wraps the concourse fly CLI so that fly can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile. |
6,202 | 675,989 | travis-lint | DEPRECATED: Use `travis lint` (from travis gem) instead |
6,203 | 675,580 | sinatra-asset-pipeline | An asset pipeline implementation for Sinatra based on Sprockets with support for SASS, ... |
6,204 | 675,226 | twiliolib | A Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML |
6,204 | 675,226 | rails_apps_composer | A gem with recipes to create Rails application templates you can use to generate Rails ... |
6,206 | 674,778 | sensu-plugins-aws | This plugin provides native AWS instrumentation for monit... |
6,207 | 674,534 | io-stream | Provides a generic stream wrapper for IO instances. |
6,208 | 674,014 | websocket-native | Native Extension for WebSocket gem |
6,209 | 673,679 | statsample | A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1... |
6,210 | 673,201 | rVM | A ruby based VM that lets one add secure scripting to ruby applications. |
6,211 | 673,110 | activerecord-pedantmysql2-adapter | Gives a hook on MySQL warnings that allow you to either raise or log them. |
6,212 | 672,819 | testrailtagging | Contains code for pushing rspec results up to testrail. |
6,213 | 672,669 | fig_newton | Provides a simple mechanism to maintain and use different configurations stored in yml ... |
6,214 | 672,638 | wpscan | WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner. |
6,215 | 672,261 | vagrant-hostsupdater | Enables Vagrant to update hosts file on the host machine |
6,216 | 672,067 | arel_extensions | Adds new features to Arel |
6,217 | 672,005 | hackerrank | Ruby wrapper to the HackerRank V2 API |
6,218 | 671,681 | edmunds | Gem to wrap API |
6,219 | 671,148 | em-winrm | EventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client |
6,220 | 670,904 | | The Ruby client. |