Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
6841-6860 of all 183,202 gems.
6,841536,581google_search_resultsScape localized search results from search engine using and returns Hash, J...
6,842536,568ibanizatoribanizator generates the correct IBAN for given account number and bank number for ...
6,843536,318rails_apps_testingConfigures a suite of gems used for testing Rails applications.
6,844536,235compass-colorsSass Extensions and color theme templates to make working with colors easier and more m...
6,845535,842vault-railsOfficial Vault plugin for Rails
6,846535,678minitest-vcrI like MiniTest. I like VCR. I like not having to manage cassetes.
6,847535,513firebase_dynamic_linkCreate deep link for web and mobile app using Firebase Dynamic Links service
6,848535,466tlb-cucumberTLB-Ruby component that provides support for load balancing tests written using cucumbe...
6,849535,062guard-rackAutomatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard.
6,850534,434konstructorKonstructor is a small gem that gives you multiple constructors in Ruby. It's simil...
6,851533,612tlb-coreTLB-Ruby base library that provides common test-load-balancing infrastructure for Ruby ...
6,852532,478prorateCan be used to implement all kinds of throttles
6,853532,432bhBh - Bootstrap Helpers
6,854532,277apexchartsCreate beautiful, interactive, and responsive web charts in ruby app powered by apexcha...
6,855532,148delayed_job_worker_poolWorker process pooling for Delayed Job
6,856532,063fluent-plugin-record_splitteroutput split array plugin for fluentd
6,857531,977wtf_langAn awesome language detector
6,858531,883chef-encrypted-attributesChef plugin to add Node encrypted attributes support using client keys
6,859531,837rollout-uiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
6,860531,768icheck-railsSuper customized checkboxes and radio buttons with jquery & zepto