Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
6981-7000 of all 183,202 gems.
6,981509,279business_calendarHelper gem for dealing with business days and date adjustment in multiple countries.
6,982509,263sidekiq-benchmarkBenchmarks for Sidekiq
6,983509,050gitlab-exporterGitLab metrics exporter to use with prometheus
6,984509,044activerecord-mysql2rgeo-adapterActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, and ...
6,985508,969jekyll-minifierJekyll Minifier using htmlcompressor for html, uglifier for js and css
6,986508,863rspec-watcherAutomatically runs specs in reaction to changes in files. Loads the project once and us...
6,987508,753mobyletteAdds the mobile format for rendering views for mobile device.
6,988508,643devise_lastseenableThis ensures that devise will update a last_seen flag on the model whenever you check i...
6,989508,254valcroValcro is a validation library for arbitrary ruby objects. I's primary goal is to remai...
6,990508,185zoldIn the last few years digital currencies have successfully demonstrated their ability t...
6,991508,175ruby18_source_locationAllows you to make use of lots of ruby 1.9.2 specific goodness
6,992508,020formatter-numberNumber formatter
6,993507,968after_commit_exception_notificationRails: Get notified when an after_commit block blows up
6,994507,947inchDocumentation measurement tool for Ruby, based on YARD.
6,995507,920postcodes_ioGet rich data from postcode lookups. Wraps
6,996507,851pdkA CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules.
6,997507,812jwt_sessionsXSS/CSRF safe JWT auth designed for SPA
6,998507,549testcentricity_webThe TestCentricityâ„¢ For Web core framework for desktop and mobile web browser-based app...
6,999507,492amalgaliteAmalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...
7,000506,501js_assetsProvide asset_path helper in javascript