Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
7201-7220 of all 183,211 gems.
7,201474,882qualityQuality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
7,202474,827db_schema_checkerCheck the consistency of generated schema.rb
7,203474,779pocketsphinx-rubyProvides Ruby FFI bindings for Pocketsphinx, a lightweight speech recognition engine.
7,204474,529savon-multipartAdds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon
7,205474,306librarian-chefA Bundler for your Chef Cookbooks.
7,206474,128embulk-output-mysqlInserts or updates records to a table.
7,207473,883brazilian-railsO Brazilian Rails é um conjunto de gems para facilitar a vida dos programadores brasile...
7,208473,798fast_haversineHaversine calculation written in Ruby that supports both distanc...
7,209473,705serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
7,210473,651dor-servicesContains classes to register objects and initialize workflows
7,211473,617itaijiConvert japanese itaiji(異体字) to seijitai(正字体).
7,212473,484websocket-eventmachine-clientWebSocket client for Ruby
7,213473,478sensu-plugins-slackSensu plugins for interfacing with Slack chat
7,214473,394test-helpersA collection of helpers.
7,215473,393sensu-plugins-mailerProvides mail output for Sensu
7,216473,206exifRuby EXIF reader written in C extension.
7,217473,082shexImplements ShExC and ShEx JSON.
7,218472,993fix_microsoft_linksFixes redirects to login pages when a user clicks a link to your site from a Microsoft ...
7,219472,961branch_ioThis wrapper allows you to create and update deep links on, using the public ...
7,220472,925influxdb-railsThis gem instruments your Ruby on Rails application using InfluxDB.