Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
81-100 of all 181,568 gems.
81375,854,180websocket-extensionsGeneric extension manager for WebSocket connections
82373,008,334erubiErubi is a ERB template engine for ruby. It is a simplified fork of Erubis
83362,009,745rack-protectionProtect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails
84361,374,822rb-fseventFSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa)
85356,454,258regexp_parserA library for tokenizing, lexing, and parsing Ruby regular expressions.
86356,372,258actioncableStructure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...
87355,832,546rest-clientA simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
88352,419,698faraday-net_httpFaraday adapter for Net::HTTP
89350,026,462rb-inotifyA Ruby wrapper for Linux inotify, using FFI
90347,843,731raccRacc is a LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby ...
91347,564,218aws-sdkThe official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...
92345,020,206httpclientgives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby
93342,675,074dotenvLoads environment variables from `.env`.
94339,083,736connection_poolGeneric connection pool for Ruby
95335,863,120byebugByebug is a Ruby debugger. It's implemented using the TracePoint C API for executio...
96331,739,318faraday_middlewareVarious middleware for Faraday
97328,907,281hashieHashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.
98328,129,063aws-sdk-resourcesThe official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...
99327,342,775sassRuby Sass is deprecated! See for details. Sass m...
100326,884,905docileDocile treats the methods of a given ruby object as a DSL (domain specific language) wi...