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Most downloads over all time
159701-159720 of all 180,448 gems.
159,7012,537capybara_crawlera simple web crawler using DSL of capybara
159,7012,537protobuf-rpc-middleware-timeoutRpc service should timeout if some jobs are too slow
159,7012,537newrelic-managementNewRelic Management Utility
159,7012,537databoommiscellaneous datastructures implemented in pure ruby
159,7012,537question_compilerCompiler for Number Stories questions
159,7012,537slow-eventsThis GEM will support U in optimizing your Rails app, easy to see the slow events in th...
159,7012,537nested_attributes_serializerActiveModel serializer which returns hashes according to Rails nested attributes naming...
159,7012,537rBraviaA wrapper for Sony Bravia XML commands
159,7012,537rubyconferencebyHave no idea what should be here
159,7012,537root_objectGeneric base class sensibly filled with convenient utilities for making great objects
159,7012,537ruby-rsyncThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
159,7012,537calledJust to log down what methods are called and from where
159,7012,537d4_pagamentoModulo de pagamento criado pela dev4web.
159,7012,537monobank-rubyGem for Monobank API
159,7152,536opentelemetry-shopifyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
159,7152,536draco-periodicA library to run a Draco system only on certain ticks.
159,7152,536strings-inflectionInflect English nouns and verbs. The algorithms are based on the analysis of 7,000 most...
159,7152,536xe_currencyAccess XE currency rate data.
159,7152,536invoicepdf_geminvoice is created.
159,7152,536mkdirsCreate directory structure from YML