Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
159801-159820 of all 180,488 gems.
159,7932,534street_sweeperStreetSweeper allows you to send any string to parse and if the string is a US address ...
159,7932,534jenkins-peaceDownload and install a specific version of the Jenkins war file which can be used for e...
159,7932,534favor-api-clientFAVOR API Client for Ruby. see:
159,8042,533koushienoutput koushien data.
159,8042,533flake-testingMake methods flaky, but deterministically.
159,8042,533fastlane-plugin-gitlab_increate_swiftlintIncremental Code Check using swiftlint for swift language files on gitlab platform !
159,8042,533myfirmataThe MyFirmata gem uses the ArduinoFirmata gem to trigger messages and listen for action...
159,8042,533codebreaker_gemsimple codebreaker gem
159,8042,533synfulRuby utility that shows syntax highlighted code in your browser
159,8042,533lita-http_statusDisplay HTTP Status Code via Lita
159,8042,533n6udp-csvscanUpdated for Ruby 2.X This is a packaged version of CSVScan, written by MoonWolf. If yo...
159,8042,533dfg-airbrakeAirbrake is an online tool that provides robust exception tracking in any of your Ruby ...
159,8042,533activerecord-oracle-queueThis gem extends active record and it's migrations for oracle queue support.
159,8042,533alexa_request_verifierThis gem is designed to work with Sinatra applications that serve as back-ends for Amaz...
159,8042,533horn_of_plentyAbstraction for speaking to various project management systems.
159,8042,533postgres-cloneA command line utility for copying postgres databases. Wraps pg_backup and pg_restore ...
159,8042,533codebreaker_garageCodebreaker is a logic game in which a code-breaker tries to break a secret code create...
159,8182,532gemreleasetestgemreleasetest desc
159,8182,532csv_factoryTool that builds CSV files
159,8182,532Trail_Calchandling's CALC from Ruby.