Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
168561-168580 of all 180,534 gems.
168,5582,021args_to_attrsSet instance attributes from method arguments
168,5582,021libmobiLibrary for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents
168,5582,021fastlane-plugin-bugtagsUpload symbols to Bugtags
168,5582,021logstash-logger-yajlRuby logger that writes directly to LogStash
168,5582,021zarbyString encoding and decoding with Ruby.
168,5582,021unoconvUnoconv document conversion interface for Ruby
168,5582,021xlsx_to_k8s_network_policyGenerate Kubernetes Network Policy YAML resource definitions from .xlsx Excel spreadsheets
168,5582,021dependabot_reportDependabot artifacts are all locked up in github, but sometimes you need to share that ...
168,5582,021scc-less-rails-bootstrapCSS toolkit from Twitter For Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline. Best one of all!
168,5582,021paddlecPaddleC is a Ruby C extension attempting to provide objects and methods to rapidly set ...
168,5582,021graphql-field-testingMatchers for testing GraphQL fields
168,5582,021envoy_activerecord_pg_stuffAdds support for working with temporary tables and pivot tables (PostgreSQL only)
168,5582,021rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20180503LILO&東海道らぐオフラインミーティングで Certificate Transparency (証明書の透明性) についての話をした時の発表資料です。
168,5742,020simple_data_validatorSimple solution for validate all data in database
168,5742,020Flash_Cards_Sturdy_Cards_Appsomething longer to write
168,5742,020github_contributionsGem that provides can fetch your GitHub contributions and output them
168,5742,020paramburgerA friendly schema for defining permitted parameters in Rails.
168,5742,020painting_gemdisplays the text in the logs
168,5742,020jera_paymentThis gem consume the API's and integrate with your's project DB.
168,5742,020test-oneviewGem to interact with the HPE OneView API