Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182821-182840 of all 183,147 gems.
182,820186flecksRender IO-bound content asynchronously in Phlex.
182,820186anki_generatorAnkiGenerator is a command-line tool to create Anki decks in .apkg format from YAML files.
182,820186wph# Wph This gem blocks the namespace alias `wph` for the gem `weird_phlex`. This was d...
182,820186obs-lab-themeCayman is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
182,820186rails_outboxA Transactional Outbox implementation for ActiveRecord and Rails
182,820186layered_stack-nextjsNextJS tools for Layered Stack
182,820186tiny_sheeta tiny spreadsheet calculation engine
182,820186macosAn interface (designed for LLMs) to macOS.
182,829185quick_requestIt's a simple gem that helps you to send a request
182,829185firestore_ormWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,829185gemdockGemDock creates and manages Docker-based development environments using the dip gem
182,829185test-drivesTest theme for Global Apps Team
182,829185ml_aiAlgorithms for machine learning and artificial intelligence in Ruby.
182,829185rubosquadA tool to run RuboCop on changed Ruby files in a Git repository
182,829185single_increase_byPerform single_increase_by operation
182,836184api-tester-cliThis tool allows users to interactively test APIs via the command line.
182,836184gh_draft_issues_conerterConvert GitHub's DraftIssues to Issues
182,836184drcheckrTracks dependencies and generates Dockerfiles using ERB
182,836184devops4lib-jekyll-theme-conferenceForked from: — Jekyll ...
182,836184cyberbiz_expressUse for get tracking_number, confirm shipping and track shipping status.