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182941-182960 of all 183,139 gems.
182,942163sat_mxconnect to SAT web services in a simple and productive way
182,942163cloudmersive-phishing-detection-api-clientPhishing Detection API lets you scan websites for phishing attacks using AI.
182,942163dear-dirty-controllerdear-dirty-controller is a gem for drawing controllers in a clean and beautiful way.
182,942163forgejoThis documentation describes the Forgejo API.
182,947162gamefic-autoloadCode loading for Gamefic projects
182,947162ruby_wordsA list of words from the Ruby programming language
182,947162chime-tunerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,947162singleflightIts primary purpose is to ensure that only one call to an expensive or duplicative oper...
182,947162wmaddshow window geometry
182,947162omniauth-generatorRails generator to create an Omniauth installation for Devise including social login bu...
182,947162gem-trySpin up an IRB-session with gems loaded
182,947162HEAP_SORTA Ruby implementation of the heap sort algorithm, which sorts an array by building a ma...
182,955161decidim-feedsA new participatory space for Decidim that is ideal for decidim-posts.
182,955161epages-essenceEssence is an open-source framework that provides ViewComponents, form styles and o...
182,955161decidim-feeds_uiA very Reduced UI specific for Decidim platforms focussed on social feeds and posts.
182,955161dayspanThis gem automatically detects and groups consecutive days, weeks, or months into human...
182,959160harpoonsRecieve webhooks locally from
182,959160ruby-gpt-clientChatGPT client written in Ruby.