Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
183041-183060 of all 183,092 gems.
183,041116effective_mentorshipsMentorship matching for mentors and mentees rails engine
183,041116google-cloud-sqlPlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-sql. This placeholder is be...
183,043115fastlane-plugin-discord_webhookA fastlane plugin to send a message via Discord Webhook
183,043115platenCreate projects and components from laps
183,043115rubyreleaserRelease RubyGems with ease
183,046114stimulus_builder-railsAdd Stimulus attributes using a nicer Ruby syntax.
183,046114legal_entity`legal_entity` represents, in your system, the legally recognized entity, according to ...
183,048113domainic-boundaryComing Soon
183,048113puppeteer-rails-testerGem that allows easy integration for headless testing using puppeteer.
183,050111google-cloud-sql-v1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-sql-v1. This placeholder is...
183,051110domaincopComing Soon
183,052109domainic-supportA toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Domainic fra...
183,053107bolt-htmlWrite HTML in plain Ruby.
183,054106standard_automation_libraryStandard Automation Library (SAL) is a collection of tools and Fastlane plugins for aut...
183,055105not_a_pipeExperimental/demo library. Not to be used in production.
183,056102authkeeperAuthentication engine for Ruby on Rails projects.
183,056102markdownlyzeTurn markdown documents into easily parseable format
183,056102prawn_componentsCraft beautiful PDFs with Prawn and components
183,059101emergeThe official CLI for Emerge Tools
183,059101regentWrite a longer description or delete this line.