Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
183701-183720 of all 184,150 gems.
183,696200subspawn-commonA SubSpawn subproject to provide classes common to all mid-level and high level APIs
183,696200concurrent-enumA concurrent map for Enumerable using concurrent-ruby
183,696200railbarA status bar for development and testing rails environments to distinguish between deve...
183,696200notsosimpol-jekyll-theme(not so) Simpol Jekyll Theme, a content writer's and minimalist's best friend. Setup a ...
183,696200solid_telemetryDatabase-backed OpenTelemetry.
183,696200couchbase-columnarThis library implements protocol and high level API for accessing Couchbase Columnar da...
183,707199khoinguyen_eh_todo_listThis gem provides a simple way to manage a todo list.
183,707199junit_timing_splitterA tool to optimize parallel test execution by analyzing JUnit XML results and distribut...
183,709198active-queryThis is active-query
183,709198minimal_http_serverA minimalistic http server focused on performance.
183,709198asimov-cliASIMOV Command-Line Interface (CLI)
183,709198google_search_engineWrapper for Google Search Engine API
183,709198stxStax API client.
183,709198fabulafabula is a an super small, super fast, static site generator with everything to need t...
183,715197async-cableAn asynchronous adapter for ActionCable.
183,715197etl_ruby_wrapperEtlRubyWrapper is a Ruby gem designed to facilitate ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) oper...
183,715197exsysProvide command support to control ExSYS Managed USB hub.
183,715197smart_health_cards_test_kitSmart Health Cards test kit
183,715197promostandards-ruby-clientA Ruby gem for interacting with PromoStandards API services, making it easier for devel...