Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145801-145820 of all 180,629 gems.
141,6170aupostPlease go to https://developers.auspost.com.au for more details
141,6170amit_awesome_gemawesome_gem is the best
141,6170cookbook-developmentRally Software Development Corp cookbook development
141,6170celluloid-websocketLets you make a websocket rack application using Celluloid.
141,6170cloudhdr_railsRuby wrapper for the CloudHdr Processing API
141,6170address_tokensAlways want to find where address, city and state are on a string? Use this gem.
141,6170cloudconnectCloud Connect backend
141,6170endpoint-fluxA simple way to organise API endpoints
141,6170bgp4rBest way to play with BGP protocol using ruby
141,6170catarse_dineromailDineromail integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
141,6170dragonfly-imaginaryDragonfly plugin for Imaginary.
141,6170autotest-clearClears the terminal for every autotest run. Inspired from autotest-growl[http://www.bit...
141,6170ai_toolsThis is a curated listed of personal AI development tools.
141,6170consolehelpA simple hello world test gem
141,6170adhearsion-imsProvides convenience methods when using Adhearsion with Rayo for IP Multimedia Subsyste...
141,6170cloudmersiveConvertApiClientConvert files and content between file formats. Convert data between file formats. Inst...
141,6170embulk-input-cacheCache input plugin for Embulk
141,6170asset_paths_from_manifestProvides view helpers to compute full paths for assets from manifest json file
141,6170audited-uiA UI for Audited.
141,6170astrotrainemail => http post