Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152321-152340 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470opensteamopenSteam is a web-based shopping and e-commerce framework for ruby-on-rails.
75,3470hatogayaprint database schema and entity relation
75,3470permissable-coughdropPermissions helper gem, used by multiple CoughDrop libraries
75,3470v2avAdds subtitles + TTS voiceover to video.
75,3470markdown-toolbarHelps with markdown editing
75,3470hlruboHomelight Shared Ruby Style Guides
75,3470nypl_ruby_utilA repository of common utilities for NYPL Ruby application
75,3470sugarcrm_restA gem for communicating with sugarcrm
75,3470raktrRaktr is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor pattern, ma...
75,3470htmltokitConver HTML to PDF/PNG/JPEG
75,3470syslog-exporterThis is a placeholder package. Please reach out for removal.
75,3470sandofsky-csvscanThis is a packaged version of CSVScan, written by MoonWolf. If you can read Japanese, c...
75,3470redmineA simple REDMINE client, using Active Resource.
75,3470turbo_filterFiltering ActiveRecord Results
75,3470ractiveUse Ractive.js from Ruby via Opal
75,3470standard-apiStandardAPI makes it easy to expose a query interface for your Rails models
75,3470suppress_outputExtend Object with a method for temporarily redirecting STDOUT and STDERR to /dev/null
75,3470wellcomeWelcome message.