Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
152781-152800 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380mruby_gem_scaffoldingCreates a blank mruby gem for you with all the required files generated automatically.
89,5380pkg_noisrevA fast way to summarize installed versions of FreeBSD packages.
89,5380make_life_harderAdd, subtract, multiply like a pro!
89,5380prognosiumGem for forecasting data
89,5380studio_game_ribarThis is a game written as homework for the Ruby Studio, Online Edition, from Pragmatic ...
89,5380tvdeyen-sassy_buttonsCross browser sassy css3 buttons using compass
89,5380SmsAPISMS API to sms16.ru
89,5380sprsquish-blatherAn XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri
89,5380em-scenarioHandling simpler story with event machine's callback
89,5380sensu-plugins-habitatThis plugin monitors services under a Habitat supervisor
89,5380sshingler-jklJkl is a Ruby library for dealing with information overload.
89,5380dfg-paypalThis gem is used for my Discourse plugins.
89,5380stimulantHelper to integrate Stimulus into Rails application
89,5380extends_rails_3Some methods to help legacy systems in Ruby on Rails 3
89,5380errors_helperProvides defined errors
89,5380njalla-api-clientAn API client for Njalla (https://njal.la/)
89,5380rahocorasickIt's a string searching gem that locates elements of a finite set of strings (the "dict...