Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
261-280 of all 546 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
261+1798941,073valid_emailActiveModel Validation for email
262+178498676afma simple library to read afm files and use the data conveniently
263+177705882sigdumpSetup signal handler which dumps backtrace of running threads and number of allocated o...
263+177591768fluent-config-regexp-typeThe compatibility monkey patch to use regexp type
265+174590764ffakerFfaker generates dummy data.
265+174497671cocoapods-searchSearch for pods.
267+173795968rinkuA fast and very smart autolinking library that acts as a drop-in replacement for Ra...
268+172753925gitlab-labkitInstrumentation for GitLab
269+171459630case_transformExtraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers
270+170551721benchmark-ipsA iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark.
271+169769938wmi-liteA lightweight utility over win32ole for accessing basic WMI (Windows Management Instrum...
271+169530699pdf-corePDF::Core is used by Prawn to render PDF documents. It provides low-level format support.
271+169467636annotateAnnotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...
271+169393562premailer-railsThis gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
275+1689951,163aws-sdk-locationserviceOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Location Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...
276+167531698wicked_pdfWicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. ...
277+166649815lru_reduxAn efficient implementation of an lru cache
278+1659421,107setProvides a class to deal with collections of unordered, unique values
279+164541705rack-mini-profilerProfiling toolkit for Rack applications with Rails integration. Client Side profiling, ...
279+164698862jira-rubyAPI for JIRA