#43844's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,75663,366resque-queue-lockA Resque plugin. If you want only one instance of your job queued at a time, extend it ...
215,23494,831stacker_beeRuby CloudStack client and CLI
367,43254,969foreign_modelWorks for ActiveRecord and Mongoid
475,37763,366rack-git-versionAdds your git ref to the HTTP headers
5108,90575,441rack-translating_proxyProxy that translates strings
6129,82894,831rack-ie-redirect-fixFixes an obscure issue with redirects that happens with IE and SSL
7141,868135,887cache_shoeEasily add caching and invalidation to RESTful clients
8142,01594,831logging_elfLogging, Tracing, and Gelf Logging for rails
9175,140135,887cecilAn experimental templating library designed specifically for generating source code (es...