1 | 32,775 | 14,651 | postdoc | Description of Postdoc. |
2 | 54,985 | 66,440 | capistrano-db-pull | Capistrano task to download a remote database to a local
database, c... |
3 | 56,840 | 49,619 | expat | Expat adds a mountable web application to your development environment that will enable... |
4 | 78,091 | 108,739 | zebra-datepicker-i18n | Extend Zebra Datepicker with translations and localisation
based on the excellent... |
5 | 109,867 | 108,739 | ivaldi | A gem that contains helpers and configs for Ivaldi projects |
6 | 165,365 | 108,739 | ivaldi-content-builder | Create contentblocks and pages for admin environments. |