181-200 of 1,062 results for search "sinatra"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
33,50534,185sinmetricsA full-featured metrics extension for the sinatra webapp framework
33,52734,150sinatra-swagger-exposerThis Sinatra extension enable you to add metadata to your code to expose your API as a ...
33,65033,984sinatra-sinatraClassy web-development dressed in a DSL
33,65233,983aerialA simple, blogish software build with Sinatra, jQuery, and uses Git for data storage
33,79733,802ttt_gem_8thlightTic Tac Toe engine for powering CLI & Sinatra Web App
34,19633,231chartedA Sinatra app for tracking web traffic on multiple sites.
34,44032,908sinatra-tag-helpersTag helpers (links and input tags) for Sinatra
34,57432,757memcached-managerA sinatra memcached-manager that allows you to view status, flush/view keys and so on. ...
34,62232,691sinatra-gensinatra-gen generates a common file structure and basic app files for a web app utilizi...
34,70932,577twiml_templateAn easy way to work with TwiML for responding to Twilio webhooks in Rails or Sinatra ap...
34,76132,511sinatra-formhelpers-ngSimple, lightweight, Rails-like, form helpers for Sinatra.
34,77432,495cornealCorneal is a Sinatra app generator with Rails-like simplicity.
35,13632,069sinatra-effigyRuby in .rb files. HTML in .html files.
35,26431,920sinatra-strong-paramsBasic strong parameter filters for Sinatra.
35,30931,862sinatra-rake-routesRake command for printing out all defined routes in Sinatra applications
35,39331,758phari_doc_genPhari Doc Generator provides an easy way to generate project documentation for sinatra/...
35,96431,084sinatra-i18nallows you to have config/locales/en.yml and the t helper
36,05130,982sinatra-backstageSinatra-Backstage simplifies the use of the basic routes and models for Sinatra and Dat...
36,30830,676bug_huntersinatra app to manage web app exceptions
36,32530,659mocktopusThe Mocktopus is a Sinatra/thin-based Web API that lets you mock your app dependencies