261-280 of 1,062 results for search "sinatra"
Total RankTotal DownloadsNameSummary
44,79823,349coffeeshopcoffeeshop is a quick and dirty Sinatra app that serves up any CoffeeScript in a direct...
44,97123,225qotdGets a random quote from a file and displays it to the terminal or in a Sinatra Applica...
44,99323,210sinatra-named-routes-subdomainsAllows the use of named routes and custom subdomains in Sinatra applications. Based he...
45,08823,137sinatra-asset-snackSimple and effective asset compilation, supporting Coffeescript and SASS. A lean altern...
45,49322,845sinatra-trailsA named routes Sinatra DSL inspired by Rails routing
45,49322,845sinatra-chassisChassis is a mutable framework extension for Sinatra that's designed to help you focus ...
45,60122,779wbzyl-sinatra-rdiscountSinatra extension providing RDiscount templates for Sinatra application.
45,73122,701jammit-sinatraJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Sinatra/Padrino, provi...
45,89222,590sinatra-paginateSimple Sinatra pagination helper.
45,95122,554cache-store-apiRuby cache methods built on top of Rails and Sinatra caching.
46,25222,371modularize_sinatraCode Generator for Sinatra
46,34522,319icwoticwot : RESTfull sinatra server providing inversion of control for logging messages fro...
46,43922,257postviewPostview is a simple blogware written in Ruby using the Sinatra DSL for render files wr...
46,58522,158sinatra-rest-addonsA set of helpers and extensions for sinatra apps that expose REST resources.
46,84521,998sinatra-exportExports all your Sinatra application routes to static files in your public folder
47,29421,706browser_guiUse with Sinatra to create command-line scripts that open the browser as a GUI.
47,34221,679sinatra-seoA Sinatra extension for integrating basic SEO into your Sinatra projects.
47,40321,643sinatra-auto-reloadSinatra Auto Reloader automatically reload your browser when you save code/html/js/images
47,53521,560sinatra-thymeleafThis is an adaptor gem allowing the use of the Thymeleaf.rb template engine as a Tilt r...
47,60621,510sinatra-envSinatra.env a`la Rails.env