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Most downloads over all time
127141-127160 of all 182,853 gems.
127,1364,467doorwaySane set of utility methods to provision remote servers over SSH and SCP.
127,1364,467universe-railsgem install universe-rails
127,1364,467forecastedA Ruby Wrapper for the HarvestForecast (unofficial) API
127,1364, Ruby Interface
127,1364,467pathf_validatorSome extra sensible validations
127,1364,467fibo-galvThis gem is capable of return a fibonacci number and an approximation for a certain num...
127,1364,467ocp_registryopenstack self-registration app
127,1364,467authcenterDescription of Authcenter.
127,1364,467rails-mobileRails mobile is a Rails plug-in that adds mobile device recognition and dynamic control...
127,1364,467Hoornet_string_extendThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
127,1364,467sprout-flexunit4as-libraryActionScript 3.0 / Flex framework for unit testing. This is the package without flex co...
127,1364,467progress-loggerSimple gem for regular progress logging in a long-running loop, log every N actions, or...
127,1534,466react-opalWrite reactive UI component with Ruby's elegancy and compiled to run in Javascript.
127,1534,466codifyTransparently encodes text before saving to your database.
127,1534,466eyevisionRuby Client for the EyeEm Vision API
127,1534,466growl_notify_osascriptPort of Sam Davis' growl_notify gem without the Appscript dependency
127,1534,466geo_dbGeoIP city and country database
127,1534,466motion-liveWrite you code in a scratch pad file and have the changes reflected in your application...
127,1534,466thermostat-FREDERIK-FEYSA simple ruby thermostat app
127,1534,466i18n-validatorValidats your I18n completness