Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
127281-127300 of all 182,853 gems.
127,2724,460something_and_nothingHelps display array results in action view
127,2724,460benchmark_driver-output-chartyShow graph on benchmark_driver using charty.gem
127,2724,460google_terminalGoogles from the terminal!
127,2724,460confmakerConfiguration getter, parser and validator
127,2724,460cronos_chain_scannerAn unofficial simple gem For Cronos Chain API
127,2724,460sprout-alivepdf-libraryAlivePDF is a client side AS3 PDF generation library for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR.
127,2724,460grizzlyA fast web server for JRuby on Rails.
127,2724,460terse_rubyA utility to convert 'shorthand' Ruby into genuine Ruby. See README for more details.
127,2724,460jsonmodelThis gem allows you to create dynamic classes (models) based on a JSON Schema, providin...
127,2724,460sskirby-mongoidMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
127,2724,460debilinguifierThe purpose of this gem is to return a phrase written using two charsets [greek, latin]...
127,2724,460uninhibitedThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
127,2934,459extend_cccextend cancancan gem
127,2934,459baidu_pcsBaidu Pcs: personal cloud service
127,2934,459cnab240_bancoabcCNAB240 BancoABC layout library
127,2934,459dbexpectAs above
127,2934,459motion-fontawesomeease to use Font Awesome via RubyMotion
127,2934, API. Incomplete coverage.
127,2934,459imedo_client_communicationClient-side communication with the main application
127,2934,459stefl-sinmetricsA full-featured metrics extension for the sinatra webapp framework