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Most downloads over all time
130461-130480 of all 180,554 gems.
130,4444,117portariusA doorman for your Rack application. Checks if REMOTE_USER matches the subdomain. Requi...
130,4444,117edmunds_carsEasily query information about cars through the edmunds api.
130,4444,117graphql_playground_railsA Rails engine mounting GraphQL Playground, compatible with Rails 6
130,4444,117gem-sparse-mirrorBuilds a sparse rubygems mirror that contains all dependencies of the included gems.
130,4444,117pduey-sunspot_railsSunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rai...
130,4444,117opentelemetry-exporters-datadogThis exporter has been deprecated. To export your OTLP traces from OpenTelemetry SDK di...
130,4444,117srx2rubyThis project allows for generating Ruby class providing sentence breaking capabili...
130,4684,116puma_dynamic_tagspuma_dynamic_tags - allows to use a dynamic tag puma's option calculated by a proc.
130,4684,116kondiAn application framework for RubyMotion
130,4684,116innowhitei_apiInnowhite Api
130,4684,116harness-actioncontrollerFoward ActionController's internal metrics to Harness
130,4684,116trail-rubyAPI Wrapper for Trail
130,4684,116reach5Integrate to the Reach5 Customer Identity Management Platform
130,4684,116openteam-modest_modelSimple, tableless ActiveModel-compliant models. Like ActiveRecord models without the da...
130,4684,116temperature_converter_jonasdA commandline tool to convert temperatures from Celsius to Kelvin and Fahrenheit, from ...
130,4684,116commonerA simple interface to the Wikimedia Commons
130,4684,116railsquestmore awesomeness
130,4684,116prioritized_ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
130,4684,116scratch_pad-widgets-copyrightWidget gem for ScratchPad