Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131161-131180 of all 180,872 gems.
131,1454,120academic-jekyll-themeA Jekyll theme for academia.
131,1454,120sessionvoc-openRails 3 Plugin to integrate with SessionVOC. In order to manage user sessions efficient...
131,1454,120news_helperWelcome to News_Helper! This gem will help find the latest news for Health, Technology ...
131,1454,120datakickRuby client for Datakick - the open product database
131,1454,120generate_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
131,1454,120rails-open-in-appRails plugin that add supports to redirect specific URLs to their mobile app equivalents.
131,1454,120pinPinhead checks licenses of gems and maybe more.
131,1454,120extconf_compile_commands_jsonThe extconf_compile_commands_json gem allows you to easily generate compatible compile_...
131,1454,120hdslCan pass filename to to have it save after generation.
131,1704,119puma-simonPuma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack a...
131,1704,119blorghetyDescription of Blorgh.
131,1704,119rack-allow-fromA Rack middlware which reads from a Rails configuration variable, ...
131,1704,119aaetA CLI to collect metadata about an applicaton on every run from the command line
131,1704,119record_sortA gem to sort a record...
131,1704,119color-js-railscolor-js for Ruby on Rails asset pipeline
131,1704,119andoq-vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
131,1704,119rpg_diceRuby code to roll varying amounts of polyhedral.
131,1704,119wrap_methodUseful for callbacks, benchmarking, profiling, code graphs.
131,1704,119rubocop-hixonrailsRuboCop configuration with the following extensions: - rubocop-rails, - rubocop...
131,1704,119blog-themeblog theme for all websites