Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147801-147820 of all 180,488 gems.
147,7673,313patentPatent gem.
147,7673,313mchung-rcovrcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test uni...
147,7673,313instant-apiAutomatically creates a REST API for Rails projects
147,7673,313kieranj-imdbInternet Movie DataBase
147,8053,312itamae-plugin-resource-ghqItamae resource plugin to manage repositories with ghq.
147,8053,312vagrant-patchesA collection of patches for vagrant that have not yet been accepted. Includes fixes for...
147,8053,312kitcrawlerCrawl lecture websites and fetch the PDFs automatically. It currently supports the st...
147,8053,312samtestA test gem
147,8053,312ruwocoRuby WooCommerce RESTful API client library
147,8053,312peek-flexirestTake a peek into the Flexirest API calls made during your application's requests.
147,8053,312jcnetdev-acts-as-readableWrapper around render :partial that removes the need to use :locals, and allows blocks ...
147,8053,312fluent-plugin-mageshWrite a longer description or delete this line.
147,8053,312resprA forthcoming Ruby gem--and it is very much a gem.
147,8053,312meccanoDescription of Meccano.
147,8053,312easygemUpdate your repositories with ease!
147,8053,312tmgTrack your gem stats with ease!
147,8053,312post2zendeskPost text or text file as comment to Zendesk ticket.
147,8053,312tchandy-autotest-notificationThis gem set the autotest (ZenTest) to send messages to software as Growl, LibNotify, a...
147,8053,312jcnetdev-acts_as_state_machineThis act gives an Active Record model the ability to act as a finite state machine (FSM).