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154501-154520 of all 180,702 gems.
154,4963,032presigner-v2This gem create unsigned url S3 with version 2 of AWS SDK for Ruby. This gem is too small
154,4963,032microbosh_hackerPCF likes to hide some features. This peice of software lets you to enable email notifi...
154,4963,032voteable_kriscoThe best voting gem ever.
154,4963,032kar_primnopriovide the starting number and last number to get the prime numbers in between those ...
154,4963,032ruboty-open_uriRuboty plugin to response body gived a uri.
154,4963,032activeerrorRails exception logger
154,4963,032block-is-arrayblock-to-array converter
154,4963,032sepshortener_clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
154,4963,032ensoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
154,4963,032svg_pan_zoomVisit for how to use.
154,4963,032beezSimple, efficient ruby workers for Zeebe business processes.
154,4963,032transpotterGem to handle transcoding in ruby
154,4963,032cangjieCangjie invented Chinese characters. I invite him to help us recognize Chinese to RubyG...
154,4963,032percent_changeA simple gem for calculating the relative percent change between two numbers.
154,4963,032json-expect-parserAn alternative JSON parser
154,4963,032z85rbPure Ruby implementiation of Z85 encoding. A drop-in replace ...
154,4963,032rule_tableA simple implementation of a rule table with lots of metaprogramming.
154,5193,031jekyll-overridesOverrides tool for Jekyll
154,5193,031rspec-lennyA gem that changes the default rspec format to be slightly more interesting.