Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182861-182869 of all 182,869 gems.
182,85998sbf-dm-constraintsPlugin that adds foreign key constraints to associations. Currently supports only Postg...
182,86297sqlbibleLibrary for bibles as SQLite databases
182,86394ruby_uiRuby UI is a UI Component Library for Ruby developers. Built on top of the Phlex Framew...
182,86490testttttttttttttttomgomgomg12Ruby library to access the Sink API
182,86588test-test-ignore-123123Ruby library to access the Sink API
182,86588has_secure_passkeyAdd passkey support to Rails
182,86762oasis-etmLibrary for manipulation of OASIS Exchange Table Model XML.
182,86837partial_formThe gem simplifies the rendering of form fields by providing a `FormBuilder` that lever...
182,86912passkit-ruby-grpc-sdkA Ruby SDK to interact with PassKit services using gRPC.