CLI Utilities Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1130122terminal-tableSimple, feature rich ascii table generation library
2158278awesome_printGreat Ruby debugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
3169242formatadorSTDOUT text formatting
4271576colorizeExtends String class or add a ColorizedString with methods to set text color, backgroun...
5678330pastelTerminal strings styling with intuitive and clean API.
61,037647sysexitsHave you ever wanted to call exit() with an error condition, b...
71,072524table_printTablePrint turns objects into nicely formatted columns for easy reading. Works great in...
82,3752,819progressbarRuby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...
94,5297,096tmuxinatorCreate and manage complex tmux sessions easily.
106,7568,243colorlsA Ruby CLI gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome i...
119,0349,868fusumaFusuma is multitouch gesture recognizer. This gem makes your touchpad on Linux able to ...
1211,30510,401runbookRunbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...
1314,66118,818roninRonin is a free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development. Ron...
1422,28746,004my_helpuser building help
1529,30669,639paint-shortcutsExtends the paint gem to support custom color shortcuts.
1630,88724,202ronin-webronin-web is a Ruby library that provides common web security commands and additional l...
1732,97518,301ronin-exploitsronin-exploits is a Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploits. ronin-exploi...
1833,87646,004ruRuby in your shell!
1945,34046,004wordlistWordlist is a Ruby library and CLI for reading, combining, mutating, and building wordl...
2070,85546,004pause_outputpause_output: A simple facility to pause output on the console terminal.
2171,38218,818ronin-dbronin-db is a database library for managing and querying security data. ronin-db provid...
2277,18128,914master_deliveryDeliver all master files managed in a single master snapshot directory into the specifi...
2387,98018,301ronin-payloadsronin-payloads is a Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploit payloads. roni...
2488,82037,317ronin-vulnsronin-vulns is a Ruby library for blind vulnerability testing. It currently supports te...
2596,44446,004format_outputFormatted bullet points, columns, or word wrap to the console or strings.
26173,85146,004haml-lint-bootstrapA simple HAML-Lint plugin used for linting HAML files utilizing Bootstrap. Supported Bo...
27176,57837,317ronin-nmapronin-nmap is a Ruby library and CLI for working with nmap. ronin-nmap can parse nmap X...
28176,68028,914ronin-reconronin-recon is a micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance. ronin-recon us...
29176,96428,914ronin-listenerronin-listener is a small CLI utility for receiving exfiltrated data over DNS or HTTP. ...
30177,08032,817ronin-masscanronin-masscan is a Ruby library and CLI for working with masscan. ronin-masscan can par...
31177,65132,817ronin-wordlistsronin-wordlists is a library and tool for managing wordlists. ronin-wordlists can insta...
32177,71232,817ronin-appronin-app is a small web application that is meant to be ran locally by the user. It pr...