Third-party APIs Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1128145octokitSimple wrapper for the GitHub API
2324685slack-notifierA slim ruby wrapper for posting to slack webhooks
3410696twilio-rubyThe official library for communicating with the Twilio REST API, building TwiML, and ge...
4664777algoliasearchA simple Ruby client for the REST API
5674284gitlabRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
69001,358restforceA lightweight Ruby client for the Salesforce REST API
79911,545pusherWrapper for Pusher Channels REST api: :
81,2861,871twitterA Ruby interface to the Twitter API.
91,616383ruby-openaiOpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️
101,6437,803hipchatRuby library to interact with HipChat
111,8411,950gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you will need. Search, read and se...
122,0854,145google-adwords-apiThe AdWords API is no longer available. Please upgrade to the Google Ads API gem: googl...
132,5463,017ruby-trelloA wrapper around the API.
143,1522,942dropbox_apiLibrary for communicating with Dropbox API v2
153,4432,831ruby-gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m...
163,4746,417instagramA Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
173,8055,202fb_graph2Facebook Graph API v2.x Wrapper in Ruby
183,9584,839ytYoutube V3 API client.
194,0835,535linkedinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
204,2732,484fcmpushFirebase Cloud Messaging API wrapper for ruby, supports HTTP v1. And including access_t...
214,8696,553google-dfp-apigoogle-dfp-api is a Google Ad Manager API client library for Ruby
227,13712,932soundcloudThe official SoundCloud API wrapper. It provides simple methods to handle authorization...
237,8479,857wikipedia-clientRuby client for the Wikipedia API
248,98516,596tweetstreamTweetStream is a simple wrapper for consuming the Twitter Streaming API.
258,98616,300tA command-line power tool for Twitter.
2614,96013,575twilitoA tiny, zero dependency, and easy to test helper for sending text messages with Twilio
2718,3638,150slackAn extension to Speck, providing convenience methods and monkey-patches.
2819,29024,456trophoniusA lightweight, easy to use link between Ruby (on Rails) and FileMaker using the FileMak...
2920,52311,367smartsheetThis is an SDK to simplify connecting to the Smartsheet API (http://www.smartsheet....
3021,69124,456terjiraTerjira is interactive and easy to use command line interface (or Application) for Jira...
3123,52819,489flickrFlickr (formerly FlickRaw) is full-featured client for the Flickr API
3233,89940,310facyfacy: first colorful terminal client for facebook
3334,37421,477itunes_store_transporteriTunes::Store::Transporter is a wrapper around Apple's iTMSTransporter program. It allo...
3487,46540,310simple-slack-botYou can easily make Slack Bot!!!
3595,06310,980grape-idempotencyAdd idempotency support to your Grape APIs for safely retrying requests without acciden...
36120,07540,310reddit-to-telegramThis gem makes simple reddit-to-telegram ruby bots easy to create
37156,13315,758elevenlabs-rubyRuby client for