Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2081-2100 of all 183,669 gems.
2,0815,724chef-handler-datadogThis Handler will report the events and metrics for a chef-client run to Datadog.
2,0825,720ougaiA structured logging system is capable of handling a message, custom data or an excepti...
2,0835,687corefoundationRuby wrapper for macOS Core Foundation framework
2,0845,683stringexSome [hopefully] useful extensions to Ruby's String class. Stringex is made up of three...
2,0855,682stripe_eventStripe webhook integration for Rails applications.
2,0865,670mimeA library for building RFC compliant Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) messa...
2,0875,648aws-sdk-socialmessagingOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS End User Messaging Social. This gem is part of the AWS SD...
2,0885,636redmine_crmCommon libraries for RedmineUP plugins (www.redmineup.com) for Redmine. Requered Redmin...
2,0895,633ulidUniversally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier implementation for Ruby
2,0905,623jekyll-paginateBuilt-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll
2,0915,610fast_excelWrapper for libxlsxwriter using ffi
2,0915,610yabeda-puma-pluginExtends Yabeda metrics with puma web server values by using puma plugin
2,0915,610dentakuDentaku is a parser and evaluator for mathematical formulas
2,0945,608launchdarkly_api# Overview ## Authentication LaunchDarkly's REST API uses the HTTPS protocol with a m...
2,0955,603aws-sdk-marketplacereportingOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Reporting Service. This gem is part of the AW...
2,0965,600yml_readerSets a directory and reads yml files
2,0975,587amoebaAn extension to ActiveRecord to allow the duplication method to also copy associated ch...
2,0975,587solveA Ruby version constraint solver
2,0995,580request_store-sidekiqProvides a Sidekiq Server Middleware to clear out RequestStore after each job is proces...
2,1005,572doorkeeper-i18nTranslations for doorkeeper rubygem.