Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2101-2120 of all 183,669 gems.
2,1015,563nokogiri-happymapperObject to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)
2,1025,562anycable-coreAnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...
2,1035,531google-apis-oauth2_v2This is the simple REST client for Google OAuth2 API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby c...
2,1045,529nilify_blanksOften times you'll end up with empty strings where you really want nil at the database ...
2,1055,508fastlane-plugin-versioning_androidAndroid Versioning Plugin for Fastlane
2,1065,489data_magicProvides datasets to application stored in YAML files
2,1075,487string-scrubString#scrub for Ruby 2.0.0 and 1.9.3
2,1085,486async-ioProvides support for asynchonous TCP, UDP, UNIX and SSL sockets.
2,1095,484roundingFloor/nearest/ceiling rounding by arbitrary steps for Integers, Floats, Times, TimeWith...
2,1105,475fluent-loggerfluent logger for ruby
2,1115,471train-restProvides a transport to communicate easily with RESTful APIs.
2,1125,464opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_lambdaAWS Lambda instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
2,1135,463tempfileA utility class for managing temporary files.
2,1145,462page_navigationProvides basic navigation through a collection of items that use the PageObject pattern.
2,1155,439puppet_forgeTools that can be used to access Forge API information on Modules, Users, and Releases....
2,1165,438albaAlba is the fastest JSON serializer for Ruby. It focuses on performance, flexibility an...
2,1175,428vegasVegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack ...
2,1185,426relaxed-rubocopA relaxed style guide for RuboCop. Although RuboCop is an amazing tool, some of its def...
2,1195,421hashid-railsThis gem allows you to easily use [Hashids](http://hashids.org/ruby/) in your Rails...
2,1205,417page-objectPage Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium