Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2341-2360 of all 183,682 gems.
2,3414,044turnipProvides the ability to define steps and run Gherkin files from with RSpec
2,3424,038cellsView Models for Ruby and Rails, replacing helpers and partials while giving you a clean...
2,3434,037devise-encryptableEncryption solution for salted-encryptors on Devise
2,3434,037archive-zipArchive::Zip provides a simple Ruby-esque interface to creating, extracting, and updati...
2,3454,022dot_hashAccess hash values using the dot notation
2,3464,017parse-cronParses cron expressions and calculates the next occurence
2,3464,017csv-safeDecorate ruby CSV library to sanitize output CSV against CSV injection attacks.
2,3484,016store_modelGem for working with JSON-backed attributes as ActiveRecord models
2,3494,010polyamorousThis is just an extraction from Ransack/Squeel. You probably don't want to use this ...
2,3504,004active_storage_base64Base64 support for ActiveStorage
2,3513,993ruby_powerpointA Ruby gem that can extract text and images from PowerPoint (pptx) files.
2,3523,992pwnedTools to use the Pwned Passwords API.
2,3533,986rubocop-checkstyle_formatterA formatter for rubocop that outputs in checkstyle format
2,3543,985google-apis-identitytoolkit_v3This is the simple REST client for Google Identity Toolkit API V3. Simple REST clients ...
2,3553,981just-the-docsA modern, highly customizable, and responsive Jekyll theme for documentation with built...
2,3563,977msgpack_railsMessage Pack for Rails.
2,3573,975firebaseFirebase wrapper for Ruby
2,3573,975jruby-jmsjruby-jms is a complete JRuby API into Java Messaging Specification (JMS) V1.1. For JRu...
2,3593,974gimeirandom Japanese name and address generator
2,3603,967stackdriver-corestackdriver-core is an internal shared library for the Ruby Stackdriver integration lib...