Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2361-2380 of all 183,682 gems.
2,3613,957handlebars_assetsA Railties Gem to compile hbs assets
2,3623,956judoscale-rubyAutoscaling for Ruby.
2,3623,956devise_zxcvbnThis gems works with devise to provide backend password strength checking via zxcvbn-js...
2,3643,954pdf-formsA Ruby frontend to the pdftk binary, including FDF and XFDF creation. Also works with t...
2,3653,943fog-brightboxModule for the 'fog' gem to support Brightbox Cloud
2,3663,941finishing_movesRuby includes a huge amount of default awesomeness that tackles most common development...
2,3673,934anycableAnyCable is a polyglot replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers
2,3673,934rerunRestarts your app when a file changes. A no-frills, command-line alternative to Guard, ...
2,3693,924danger-xcovDanger plugin to validate the code coverage of the files changed.
2,3703,915gelfd2Standalone implementation of the Graylog Extended Log Format
2,3703,915rubocop-sequelCode style checking for Sequel
2,3723,912solveA Ruby version constraint solver
2,3733,898semianA Ruby C extention that is used to control access to shared resources across proces...
2,3743,892ckeditorCKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages
2,3753,878therubyracerCall JavaScript code and manipulate JavaScript objects from Ruby. Call Ruby code and ma...
2,3763,876atomicAn atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
2,3773,870multipart_bodyA ruby library to create multipart bodies.
2,3783,866fog-softlayerModule for the 'fog' gem to support SoftLayer Cloud
2,3783,866hamsterEfficient, immutable, thread-safe collection classes for Ruby
2,3783,866semaphore_test_boostersGem for auto-parallelizing builds across Semaphore jobs.