Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
221-240 of all 180,477 gems.
22199,336uriURI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers
22299,039psychPsych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[https://pyyaml.org/wiki/Lib...
22398,323pry-railsUse Pry as your rails console
22497,804brakemanBrakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal...
22597,594fugitTime tools for flor and the floraison project. Cron parsing and occurrence computing. T...
22697,498dry-inflectorString inflections for dry-rb
22797,465tty-cursorThe purpose of this library is to help move the terminal cursor around and manipulate t...
22896,635debug_inspectorAdds methods to DebugInspector to allow for inspection of backtrace frames. The debug_...
22996,629rails-controller-testingExtracting `assigns` and `assert_template` from ActionDispatch.
23096,586timecopA gem providing "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple t...
23196,176binding_of_callerProvides the Binding#of_caller method. Using binding_of_caller we can grab bindings fr...
23296,046thinA thin and fast web server
23395,144omniauthA generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication.
23495,011et-orbiTime zones for fugit and rufus-scheduler. Urbi et Orbi.
23595,003version_gemVersions are good. Versions are cool. Versions will win.
23695,002dry-logicPredicate logic with rule composition
23794,994elasticsearch-apiRuby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
23894,982dry-typesType system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ...
23994,974templeTemplate compilation framework in Ruby
24094,907sasscUse libsass with Ruby!