Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183421-183440 of all 183,682 gems.
55,9960rad_coreSimple and highly customizable Web Framework encouraging to build an app as a set of lo...
55,9960scidea-hsfc-policiesHSFC Policies augments standard user profile to include agreements for privacy policy a...
55,9960maybeeA simple, yet flexible approach to model-based authorization
55,9960kelredd-pathsconfigA ruby gem to help configure dynamic file paths for classes in a easy way.
55,9960capistrano_evrone_recipesCapistrano recipes used in evrone company
55,9960dynamic_variableOccasionally a method's behavior should depend on the context in which it is called. Wh...
55,9960job_queueJobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!
55,9960ddptoo simple data printer
55,9960infopark_rails_connectorThe Rails Connector for Infopark CMS Fiona enables you to develop modern, dynamic Web 2...
55,9960nytimesThis is just a placeholder
55,9960matiMati full framework
55,9960terraformationGenerators with a Hashrocket twist
55,9960Cinch-TellLeave a message for someone on IRC who is not in the current channel. They will recieve...
55,9960super-testSuperTest is a Test Domain Specific and Super Language.
55,9960szaruPortings of excellent Sawzall aggregators.
55,9960nyancatA Ruby port of Kevin Lange's nyancat
55,9960smart_testFind which tests need to be run based on files last modified at and git diff.
55,9960statsd-clientRuby client for statsd.
55,9960js_messagePass structured json messages between html and a rails application
55,9960gmail_senderA simple gem to send email through gmail