Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3141-3160 of all 183,695 gems.
3,1411,149google-cloud-spannergoogle-cloud-spanner is the official library for Google Cloud Spanner API.
3,1421,148dropzonejs-railsAdds Dropzone, a great JS File upload by Matias Meno, to the Rails Asset pipeline.
3,1431,147ethLibrary to handle Ethereum accounts, messages, and transactions.
3,1431,147metasploit-payloadsCompiled binaries for Metasploit's Meterpreter
3,1451,146mailchimp-apiDeprecated. Replaced by MailchimpMarketing - A Ruby API library for the MailChimp email...
3,1461,145zip-codesSimple gem to get city, state, and time zone for a given zip code
3,1471,143light-serviceA service skeleton with an emphasis on simplicity
3,1481,140fastercsvFasterCSV is intended as a complete replacement to the CSV standard library. It is sign...
3,1481,140mandrillusA fork of the official Ruby API library for the Mandrillus email as a service platform.
3,1501,138pry-debugger-jrubyAdd a JRuby-compatible debugger to 'pry'. Adds 'step', 'next', 'continue', `break` and ...
3,1511,134fhir_modelsA Gem for handling FHIR models in ruby
3,1511,134obscenityObscenity is a profanity filter gem for Ruby/Rubinius, Rails (through ActiveModel), and...
3,1531,133shopify-moneyManage money in Shopify with a class that wont lose pennies during division!
3,1541,128lobThe Lob API is organized around REST. Our API is designed to have predictable, resource...
3,1541,128netsuiteNetSuite SuiteTalk API Wrapper
3,1561,127puma-metricsPuma plugin to export puma stats as prometheus metrics
3,1561,127immutable-structEasily create value objects without the pain of Ruby's Struct (or its setters)
3,1581,126bitarrayA simple, pure Ruby bit-array / bitfield implementation.
3,1581,126systemd-journalProvides the ability to navigate and read entries from the systemd journal in ruby, as ...
3,1581,126sidekiq-batchSidekiq Batch Jobs Implementation