Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3201-3220 of all 184,353 gems.
3,2002,359fog-rackspaceRackspace provider gem for Fog
3,2022,355danger-checkstyle_formatDanger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.
3,2022,355chef-gyokuGyoku translates Ruby Hashes to XML
3,2022,355time_diffIt returns a hash file with the difference in terms of year, month, week, day, hour, mi...
3,2022,355hubspot-rubyhubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API
3,2062,351ar_after_transactionExecute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled back
3,2072,341chef-winrmRuby library for Windows Remote Management
3,2082,340adyen-ruby-api-libraryOfficial Adyen API Library for Ruby. Simplifies integrating with the Adyen API,\ inc...
3,2092,338chef-winrm-elevatedRuby library for running commands via WinRM as elevated through a scheduled task
3,2092,338devise_masqueradedevise masquerade library
3,2112,337fluent-plugin-ua-parserFluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent
3,2122,335chef-winrm-fsRuby library for file system operations via Windows Remote Management
3,2122,335tdiffCalculates the differences between two tree-like structures. Similar to Rubys built-in ...
3,2122,335etcProvides access to information typically stored in UNIX /etc directory.
3,2152,326nokogiri-diffNokogiri::Diff adds the ability to calculate the differences (added or removed nodes) b...
3,2162,325cucumber_statisticsWant to know what is slowing down your build?
3,2172,322jsonapi-railsEfficient, convenient, non-intrusive JSONAPI framework for Rails.
3,2182,320contentfulRuby client for the https://www.contentful.com Content Delivery API
3,2182,320default_value_forThe default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
3,2202,319englishRequire 'English.rb' to reference global variables with less cryptic names.