Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4621-4640 of all 183,722 gems.
4,621718lazyload-railslazyload-rails integrates jQuery's Lazy Load Plugin with Rails image_tag helpers
4,621718solidus_backendAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
4,621718mongoid-scrollMongoid extensions to enable infinite scroll.
4,621718haml_coffee_assetsCompile Haml CoffeeScript templates in the Rails asset pipeline.
4,625717monzaValidate iTunes In-App purchase receipts, including auto-renewable subscriptions, with ...
4,626716module_methodsExtendable module for modules with instance and class methods. These modules can be inc...
4,626716virtus_convertConvert deeply nested Virtus or other objects that respond to attributes to hashes and ...
4,626716tolkTolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails app...
4,629714capistrano-nvmnvm support for Capistrano 3.x
4,629714solidus_sampleSample data (including images) for use with Solidus.
4,629714animaInitialize object attributes via attributes hash
4,629714strings-truncationTruncate strings with fullwidth characters and ANSI codes. Characters can be omitted fr...
4,629714data-confirm-modalThis gem overrides Rails' UJS behaviour to open up a Bootstrap Modal instead of the bro...
4,629714hanami-routerRack compatible HTTP router for Ruby
4,629714griddler-mailgunAdapter to allow the use of mailgun forwarded routes with Griddler.
4,629714quadernoA ruby wrapper for Quaderno API
4,637713git_clone_urlThis supports https protocol, git protocol and ssh protocol.
4,637713rails_live_reloadRuby on Rails Live Reload with just a single line of code - just add the gem to Gemfile.
4,637713rbpdfA template plugin allowing the inclusion of ERB-enabled RBPDF template files.
4,637713view_component-formRails FormBuilder for ViewComponent