Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4601-4620 of all 184,353 gems.
4,601873minaBlazing fast application deployment tool.
4,601873unindentRuby method to unindent strings. Useful for multiline strings embeded in already indent...
4,603872activerecord-pg_enumIntegrate PostgreSQL's enumerated types with the Rails enum feature
4,604871multipart-parsermultipart-parser is a simple parser for multipart MIME messages, written in Ruby, based...
4,604871action_mailer_cache_deliveryCache delivery method for ActionMailer for testing emails with Selenium
4,606870fluent-plugin-remote_syslogFluentd output plugin for remote syslog
4,606870dry-railsdry-rails provides the official integration of dry-rb gems with Ruby on Rails framework.
4,608869safe_target_blankAdds noopener and noreferrer to target blank links in a Rails application.
4,608869guard-sidekiqGuard::Sidekiq automatically starts/stops/restarts sidekiq worker
4,610868http_loggerThis gem keeps an eye on every Net::HTTP library usage and dumps all request and respon...
4,610868yard-doctestExecute YARD examples as tests
4,610868gridhookA Rails engine to provide an endpoint for SendGrid webhooks
4,613867samusSamus helps you release Open Source Software.
4,613867declare_schemaDeclare your Rails/active_record model schemas and have database migrations generated f...
4,613867roar-railsRails extensions for using Roar in the popular web framework.
4,616866flipflopDeclarative API for specifying features, switchable in declaration, database and cookies.
4,616866nexposeThis gem provides a Ruby API to the Nexpose vulnerability management product by Rapid7.
4,618865ri_calA new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries ...
4,618865openssl-oaepMinium extention to Ruby OpenSSL library to support OAEP with SHA2 and labels
4,620864going_postalPost/zip code formatting and validation for the UK, US, CA and more.