Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5461-5480 of all 183,729 gems.
5,459603acts_as_favoritoracts_as_favoritor is a Rubygem to allow any ActiveRecord model to associate any other m...
5,462602scoped_searchScoped search makes it easy to search your ActiveRecord-based models. It will crea...
5,462602linerA liner for Ruby objects. Add attribute, inspection, serialization, and equality methods.
5,462602overrides_trackerOverrides Tracker tracks all monkey patches in your codebase and the methods they overr...
5,465601base62Base62 monkeypatches Integer to add an Integer#base62_encode ins...
5,465601aws-activejob-sqsAmazon Simple Queue Service as an ActiveJob adapter
5,465601psenv-railsLoad AWS SSM Parameter Store values into your Rails environment.
5,465601chartmogul-rubyOfficial Ruby client for ChartMogul's API
5,465601keytarUse Keytar to automatically generate keys based on class name instead of cluttering mod...
5,465601engtaggerA Ruby port of Perl Lingua::EN::Tagger, a probability based, corpus-trained tagger that...
5,471600grape-middleware-loggerLogging middleware for the Grape framework, similar to what Rails offers
5,471600govuk_app_configBase configuration for GOV.UK applications
5,471600google-cloud-kms-v1Manages keys and performs cryptographic operations in a central cloud service, for dire...
5,471600fluent-plugin-papertrailRemote Syslog Output Fluentd plugin for papertrail
5,471600metamagicMetamagic is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating meta tags.
5,476599passbookThis gem allows you to create IOS Passbooks. Unlike some, this works with Rails but d...
5,476599rbbt-restBasic web app controllers and templates
5,476599random-wordA random word generator intended for use in test data factories. This library uses a l...
5,479598rspec-tracerRSpec Tracer is a specs dependency analyzer, flaky tests detector, tests accelerator, a...
5,479598pkcs11This module allows Ruby programs to interface with "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptogr...