Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5421-5440 of all 184,353 gems.
5,414564plivoThe Plivo Ruby SDK makes it simpler to integrate communications into your Ruby applicat...
5,422563soundexGet American soundex of an word
5,422563lightcast-rubyAccess the Lightcast REST API.
5,422563hanami-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
5,422563omniauth-whoplusyouOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for WhoPlusYou allowing you to connect to a specific WhoPlusY...
5,422563easy_pollerVery easy to use helper to poll for changes. Just give it an URL and voila.
5,422563button_link_toa button version of Rails link_to helper
5,422563terraspace-bundlerBundles terraform modules
5,422563geo_pointAllows for easy parsing of Strings, Hashes and Arrays into a GeoPoint with lat/long
5,430562graphql-stitchingCombine GraphQL services into one unified graph
5,430562granite-formMaking object from any hash or hash array
5,430562jasmine-jquery-railsjasmine-jquery via asset pipeline
5,430562mister_binEasily add command line interface to your gems
5,430562unidecoderA port of Perl's Unidecoder to Ruby. Transliterates Unicode strings to an ASCII approxi...
5,430562metasploit-credentialThe Metasploit::Credential namespace and its ActiveRecord::Base subclasses
5,430562rspec-testrailrspec-testrail help you update statuses in TestRail app
5,437561dry-loggerLogging for Ruby
5,438560activerecord-bitemporalEnable ActiveRecord models to be handled as BiTemporal Data Model.
5,438560pg-hstorepostgresql hstore parser/deparser - provides PgHstore.dump and PgHstore.load (aka parse)
5,438560OptionParserA flexible command line option parser.