Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
1141-1160 of all 183,494 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
1,141 | 10,160 | aws-sdk-codegurureviewer | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer (CodeGuruReviewer). This gem is part... |
1,142 | 10,151 | aws-sdk-dataexchange | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Exchange. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. |
1,143 | 10,149 | aws-sdk-iotsecuretunneling | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for... |
1,143 | 10,149 | aws-sdk-detective | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Detective. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. |
1,145 | 10,148 | aws-sdk-codestarnotifications | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar Notifications. This gem is part of the AWS SDK f... |
1,145 | 10,148 | aws-sdk-savingsplans | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Savings Plans (AWSSavingsPlans). This gem is part of the ... |
1,147 | 10,146 | aws-sdk-codestarconnections | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar connections. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for... |
1,148 | 10,143 | aws-sdk-augmentedairuntime | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Augmented AI Runtime. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ... |
1,149 | 10,142 | aws-sdk-account | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Account. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. |
1,150 | 10,141 | aws-sdk-ebs | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). This gem is part of ... |
1,151 | 10,133 | aws-sdk-codeguruprofiler | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for... |
1,152 | 10,131 | aws-sdk-elasticinference | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Elastic Inference (Amazon Elastic Inference). This ge... |
1,153 | 10,120 | aws-sdk-schemas | Official AWS Ruby gem for Schemas. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. |
1,154 | 10,119 | aws-sdk-kinesisvideosignalingchannels | Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels. This gem is part of ... |
1,155 | 10,111 | smart_properties | SmartProperties are a more flexible and feature-rich alternative to traditional Ruby ... |
1,156 | 10,108 | aws-sdk-migrationhubconfig | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Migration Hub Config. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for... |
1,157 | 10,065 | aws-sdk-iotsitewise | Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT SiteWise. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. |
1,158 | 10,015 | attr_encrypted | Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently |
1,159 | 9,909 | net-ftp | Support for the File Transfer Protocol. |
1,160 | 9,900 | jquery-ui-rails | jQuery UI's JavaScript, CSS, and image files packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline |