Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
1201-1220 of all 183,494 gems.
1,2019,499aws-sdk-lexruntimev2Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lex Runtime V2 (Lex Runtime V2). This gem is part of t...
1,2029,498aws-sdk-lookoutforvisionOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Vision. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
1,2039,491aws-sdk-sagemakerfeaturestoreruntimeOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime. This gem is part of t...
1,2049,490fileutilsSeveral file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
1,2059,488aws-sdk-prometheusserviceOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Prometheus Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
1,2069,487aws-sdk-opensearchserviceOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon OpenSearch Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
1,2079,484aws-sdk-iotfleethubOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Fleet Hub. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,2089,481aws-sdk-wellarchitectedOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Well-Architected Tool (Well-Architected). This gem is par...
1,2099,473aws-sdk-sagemakeredgemanagerOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager. This gem is part of the AWS SD...
1,2109,472aws-sdk-iotdeviceadvisorOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT Core Device Advisor (AWSIoTDeviceAdvisor). This gem i...
1,2119,439aws-sdk-fisOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS). This gem is part of the ...
1,2129,430aws-sdk-lookoutmetricsOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Metrics (LookoutMetrics). This gem is part...
1,2139,425aws-sdk-finspaceOfficial AWS Ruby gem for FinSpace User Environment Management service (finspace). This...
1,2139,425aws-sdk-lookoutequipmentOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Lookout for Equipment (LookoutEquipment). This gem is ...
1,2159,420minitest-spec-railsThe minitest-spec-rails gem makes it easy to use the \ Minitest::S...
1,2169,415aws-sdk-mgnOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Application Migration Service (mgn). This gem is part of the ...
1,2179,397aws-sdk-apprunnerOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS App Runner. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,2189,395aws-sdk-finspacedataOfficial AWS Ruby gem for FinSpace Public API (FinSpace Data). This gem is part of the ...
1,2199,388aws-sigv2Amazon Web Services Signature Version 2 signing library. Generates sigv2 signature for ...
1,2209,372aws-sdk-applicationcostprofilerOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Application Cost Profiler. This gem is part of the AWS SD...