Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
1241-1260 of all 183,494 gems.
1,2419,097aws-sdk-snowdevicemanagementOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Snow Device Management. This gem is part of the AWS SDK f...
1,2429,093figaroSimple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file
1,2439,080sitemap_generatorSitemapGenerator is a framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby with aut...
1,2449,065aws-sdk-kafkaconnectOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect (Kafka Connect). This gem...
1,2459,057mochaMocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbi...
1,2469,056ruby-profruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...
1,2479,049aws-sdk-connectwisdomserviceOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Wisdom Service. This gem is part of the AWS SD...
1,2479,049aws-sdk-cloudcontrolapiOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Control API (CloudControlApi). This gem is part of ...
1,2499,044karafkaKarafka is Ruby and Rails efficient Kafka processing framework. Karafka allows you...
1,2509,037aws-sdk-panoramaOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Panorama (Panorama). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...
1,2519,030aws-sdk-managedgrafanaOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Managed Grafana. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for R...
1,2529,029aws-sdk-drsOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Elastic Disaster Recovery Service (drs). This gem is part of ...
1,2529,029aws-sdk-voiceidOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Voice ID. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,2549,016prawn-tablePrawn::Table provides tables for the Prawn PDF toolkit
1,2559,007aws-sdk-migrationhubstrategyrecommendationsOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations. This gem is part of t...
1,2568,983rodaRouting tree web toolkit
1,2578,939babel-transpilerRuby Babel is a bridge to the JS Babel transpiler.
1,2588,849aws-sdk-inspector2Official AWS Ruby gem for Inspector2. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,2598,835aws-sdk-cloudwatchrumOfficial AWS Ruby gem for CloudWatch RUM. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,2608,834aws-sdk-cloudwatchevidentlyOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Evidently. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...