Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154521-154540 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070rack-session-rethinkdbProvides a rack session middleware to store sessions in a RethinkDB table.
50,1070hola-mariomariniA simple hello world gem
50,1070mrcsparker-sunspot_solrSunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
50,1070monkes21monkes21 gem - generate your own monkes twenty one 28×28 pixel avatar images from the 1...
50,1070net-tocA ruby library which uses the TOC protocol to connect to AOL's instant messaging network.
50,1070rack-dev_insightAn observability tool for Rack applications, analyzing SQL and HTTP with a Chrome exten...
50,1070guard-bloggerGuard plugin for updating Blogger templates using Capybara/Selenium Webdriver.
50,1070say2slackA syntax and gem for posting to slack channels or DMs with one line of code
50,1070claretA Ruby dialect that includes types in the language. Transpiles to Ruby and RBS by lever...
50,1070django-recipesSet of capistrano recipies for deploying django applications.
50,1070knife-cryptCommands for Chef's Knife Command to Encrypt and Decrypt Data
50,1070dir_syncMultidirectional directory synchronisation for any number of directories
50,1070theShovelerTool for loading random data into some web/network service
50,1070tomisima-tekitoutekitou gem
50,1070feedlrA Ruby interface to the Feedly API.
50,1070sequel-devise-generatorsProvides the Devise generators for sequel-devise and sequel-rails. Similar to the defau...
50,1070tomkersten-vixploderA simple 'dotfiles' management tool used to distribute common configuration files acros...
50,1070tommeier-dynamic_reportsDynamic Ruby Reporting Engine with support for Charts
50,1070marathon-rubyNo dependencies other than standard library
50,1070lita-jankyLita handler for GitHub's Janky