Daily Downloads Ranking

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154561-154580 of all 180,370 gems.
104,2110hyrax-ingestDescription of Hyrax::Ingest.
104,2110governor_livejournalA plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system that posts and updates articles...
104,2110quilted-harvestedHarvested wraps the Harvest API concisely without the use of Rails dependencies. More i...
104,2110sensu-plugins-nbzgetSensu nbzget plugins
104,2110iron_cukeiron_cuke provides a set of steps and Cucumber world objects you can use to simulate Ir...
104,2110sensu-plugins-newrelicSensu newrelic plugins
104,2110jekyll-academicJekyll academic is a lightweight no nonsense theme for any academic usecase. Perfect fo...
104,2110personal_wordlist_cliGenerates information aware brute-force dictionaries from given data.
104,2110postmodA facilitator for post-modern application architecture or something.
104,2110oxen_messageBasic messaging capabilities means, first and foremost, email/twitter/sms et al.
104,2110geistGeist is a Git-backed key-value store that stores Ruby objects into a Git repository.
104,2110interfax-restThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
104,2110indicator_delcomSinatra app that drives the delcom indicator light
104,2110rb-lomoRuby library for the Lomography API
104,2110fedex_web_serviceProvides an interface to several, but not all, of the FedEx web services. Currently pro...
104,2110sinatra-adminSinatra application that allow us to have an admin dashboard with minimal effort.
104,2110omniauth-vatsimOmniAuth strategy for VATSIM OAuth/SSO
104,2110fog_siteSimple utility gem for deploying static sites to S3 and CloudFront using fog.
104,2110refinerycms-newsA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news engine designed for integration...
104,2110foundationizeFoundationize is a ruby gem to ease the use of ZURB Foundation with rails apps.