Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156701-156720 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051picsolve_docker_builderHelper for building docker images.
103,2051smartdict-iconsIcons for Smartdict GUI application
103,2051hvutilsA number of utilities, including getting the MAC address for an interface.
103,2051oracle_hcmA library for interacting with the Oracle HCM REST API.
103,2051line-apiA Ruby interface to Line API.
103,2051GTPA Guitar Pro file parser
103,2051duckerWork in progress...
103,2051pragmatic_studio_gameStudio Game This is an exercise of ruby programming from The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby C...
103,2051mechanize_clipDownloads files to temp files with Mechanize gem
103,2051sentence_with_linksEmbeds urls into a sentence for use in blogs
103,2051rumemeRuby SDK for Message Media SMS Gateway API
103,2051mina-mercurialMercurial tasks for Mina
103,2051mhartl-catch_cookie_exceptionCatch and handle the CGI::Session::CookieStore::TamperedWithCookie exception that comes...
103,2051hookslerWebHooks multiplexer, for send notify from One-to-One, Many-to-One, Many-To-Many with p...
103,2051hola_idealatomA simple hello world gem
103,2051granola-cacheGranola::Cache provides an interface to wrap your serialization in a cache so that you ...
103,2051mageThis gem allows model to have state, and based on that create wizard with step by s...
103,2051rsg-themeA theme ready to use for The RSG lessons.
103,2051random_attributesWhen someone gives you rubbish data an you want to map it to something else.